


  • 奥尔登堡国际研究和旅行补助金. 申请截止日期延长至2024年2月23日
  • 奥登堡夏季强化语言学习资助申请. 申请截止日期为2024年2月16日

请参阅下面每个类别的资格详细信息和申请说明. 获奖通知将于四月初发出. 


The 奥尔登堡国际研究和旅行补助金 offers financial support to help cover expenses for 国际 research toward a senior thesis or senior exercise. 评选委员会将审查奖助金提案并颁发奖助金. 奖金数额不一,最高可达4500美元. 申请截止日期为 2月23日星期五.



要符合资格,你必须是一个注册的皇冠体育学生在良好的信誉, 2024年秋季或2025年春季毕业.

Projects that involve human subjects must be approved by the 皇冠体育大学 Institutional Review Board prior to the student receiving the award.

Grant recipients will present their research in an Oldenborg Luncheon Colloquium (typically scheduled to coincide with Family Weekend) or other approved Oldenborg forum.

Projects must be undertaken during the summer; i.e.,当课程不在上课时. 另外, note that Oldenborg is unlikely to support 国际 experiences for students that involve travel to countries or regions for which the U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or Level 4 (Do Not Travel) Travel Advisory and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Travel Health Notice at Warning Level 3 (Avoid Nonessential Travel).

学生 interested in applying for this grant are highly encouraged to reach out to the Oldenborg faculty director and/or staff director before submitting their applications.


所有申请必须通过SM提交。 2024年奥尔登堡国际研究和旅行基金申请


  • Proposals must demonstrate that 国际 travel and research are vital to the successful completion of the project.
  • Proposal should present a clear rationale for how the work will contribute toward the student’s senior thesis/exercise
  • Proposals must address foreign language proficiency relevant to the project as well as practical dimensions of fieldwork.
  • Proposals should provide evidence of preparation for the project; e.g., 说明你在定性方面的训练, quantitative or other relevant research methods; if you intend to interview subjects, 准备一份面试问题的草稿, 等.
  • Proposals involving research with human subjects must meet Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. 申请程序应在提交申请前启动.
  • Proposals which exemplify a spirit of engagement with foreign languages and cultures will receive preference.
  • 提交的材料应组织良好,清晰明了.
  • 所有的申请都要仔细审核 皇冠体育学院关于学院资助的国际学生旅行的政策,已于2023年10月进行了修订. You will be asked to complete a preliminary travel form (pages 2-4 at the link) and upload this to your application.
  • 你将被要求提交详细的项目描述, 包括详细的预算, 在你的申请中. You must also submit a travel itinerary and emergency contact information as well as one or more contacts in the destination country.
  • You will need to have up to two faculty recommendation letters submitted on your behalf directly to Oldenborg. At least one of the letters should come from a professor with expertise in the field you are proposing to do research in. 他可能是明年指导你项目的教员. In addition, we are looking for a recommendation from a professor who knows you and your work well. 如果一个教员能说出以上所有的问题,一封信就足够了. 否则,请提交两个不同教员的信函. 这些应该通过电子邮件发送到Oldenborg@pomona.直接从推荐人那里获得.

学生 interested in applying for this grant are highly encouraged to reach out to the Oldenborg faculty director and/or staff director with any questions before submitting their applications.


通过 一丹捐赠亚洲研究转型学习机会基金,和 约翰T. 布鲁尔纪念基金, Oldenborg is able to support 皇冠体育 students to immerse themselves in intensive language study programs over the summer.

评选委员会将审查奖助金提案并颁发奖助金. Grant recipients will do a presentation at an Oldenborg Luncheon Colloquium (typically scheduled to coincide with Family Weekend) or other approved Oldenborg forum.

奖金通常在1000美元到4500美元之间. Tuition and/or travel costs beyond that range will be considered for programs taking place outside the U.S.

申请截止日期为 2024年2月16日.


要符合资格,你必须是一个注册的皇冠体育学生在良好的信誉 returning in the fall.

Programs must be undertaken during the summer; i.e.,当课程不在上课时. 另外, note that Oldenborg is unlikely to support 国际 experiences for students that involve travel to countries or regions for which the U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 3 (Reconsider Travel) or Level 4 (Do Not Travel) Travel Advisory and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Travel Health Notice at Warning Level 3 (Avoid Nonessential Travel).


所有申请必须通过SM提交。 奥尔登堡夏季强化语言学习补助金


  • 建议可以是任何语言的学习. 该项目可以在美国境内或境外进行.S.
  • This grant is an opportunity for students to explore languages not taught at the 5Cs or supplement study of languages taught at the 5Cs. 它不是为了满足语言要求.
  • 学生 who are interested in the possibility of obtaining transfer credit for this language study should consult in advance: their academic advisor, 注册主任办公室, 以及相关的学术部门. Oldenborg不参与转让信用的审批过程.
  • Proposed programs should take place during summer 2024 and not overlap with spring or fall term dates.
  • Submissions should include all required information in a clear and well-organized fashion.
  • Submissions should provide evidence of preparedness to engage in the proposed language study.
  • Proposals should present a substantial and thoughtful rationale for how this learning opportunity aligns with the student’s goals.
  • Proposals for study of a language that is taught at the 5Cs should present a compelling rationale for why the student is seeking to study it during the summer. Strong proposals will be thoughtful about how the experience supplements the 5C curriculum.
  • 申请人的建议书涉及 国际 旅行时要仔细复习 皇冠体育学院关于学院资助的国际学生旅行的政策,已于2023年10月进行了修订. You will be asked to complete a preliminary travel form (pages 2-4 at the link) and upload this to your application.
  • 你将被要求提交详细的项目描述, 包括详细的预算, 在你的申请中. Projects that involve any travel will also require a travel itinerary and emergency contact information as well as one or more contacts (in the destination country, 国际旅行).
  • A faculty recommendation letter should be submitted on your behalf directly to Oldenborg. The recommendation should come from a professor who knows you well and can speak to your aptitude and preparedness to participate in the proposed program, 以及这个语言学习机会如何有助于你的目标.

    If you are proposing to study a language that is taught at the 5Cs you will need to meet with a faculty member who teaches that language to review the program and identify how it supplements existing curricular offerings at the 5Cs. 然后,该教员应该提交一份 语言学院认可表格. 背书表应与教师推荐信一起提交, 尽管两者可能出自同一位教授.


学生 interested in applying for this grant are highly encouraged to reach out to the Oldenborg faculty director and/or staff director before submitting their applications.