Gary N. Smith

Fletcher Jones Professor of Economics; On leave Fall 2024
  • Expertise


    加里·史密斯教授长期从事揭露统计分析中可疑数据使用的研究项目. His book 标准偏差:有缺陷的假设,扭曲的数据和其他与统计数据有关的方式, which was a London Times Book of the Week, 警告统计分析中混淆相关与因果关系的危险. 他的论文《皇冠体育app》着眼于 在体育数据中搜索模式的问题.

    他在金融方面著述颇丰, 研究经常显示出令人惊讶的结果, such as the following:

    • 股票代码巧妙的股票跑赢了市场,
    • 道琼斯工业平均指数成分股的表现通常好于取代它们的成分股,
    • 盈利预测最乐观的股票通常比盈利预测最悲观的股票表现更差, and
    • stocks that make Fortune’s most-admired list beat the market, 但《皇冠体育app》和《皇冠体育》所选择的股票却不是这样.

    他的统计和金融研究已在各种媒体上发表,包括《皇冠体育app》 New York TimesWall Street Journal, Wired, NPR Tech Nation、NBC湾区、CNBC、WYNC、WBBR彭博电台、 Silicon Valley InsiderMotley FoolScientific AmericanForbes, MarketWatch, MoneyCentral.msn, Newsweek, Fast Company, OZY and BusinessWeek.

    He is the author of 15 books, more than 100 academic papers, 还有7个经济学软件程序, finance and statistics. 除了在皇冠体育学院教书,他还提供专家分析和经济咨询.

    His book, Money Machine, 旨在帮助投资者区分有价值的财务建议和误导性的建议, misguided and nonsensical assertions. The AI Delusion (牛津大学出版社2018)认为, in the age of Big Data, 真正的危险不是计算机比我们更聪明, 但我们认为计算机比我们更聪明,因此相信计算机能为我们做出重要的决定. The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science (Oxford University Press, 2019, 与杰伊·科德斯合著,并获得了PROSE杰出科普奖 & 《皇冠体育》(Popular Mathematics)是一本汇集了重大成功和重大失败的书,旨在帮助数据科学家提高效率. 幻影模式问题:大数据的海市蜃楼 (Oxford University Press, 2020, (与Jay Cordes合著)认为,我们天生就会注意到模式,并认为我们注意到的模式是有意义的. 这种模式识别能力对我们的远古祖先很有帮助,但是, in this age of Big Data, patterns are inevitable, usually coincidental, and often misleading.

    你可以在网上阅读史密斯教授对经济、商业、体育和政治的评论 his web page.

    Research Interests

    史密斯教授对金融市场感兴趣, especially the stock market, 以及统计分析在金融和体育中的应用.

    Areas of Expertise


    • Financial Markets
    • Statistics
    • Economic Consulting
  • Work



    Selected Publications

    With Jay Cordes, 幻影模式问题:大数据的海市蜃楼 (Oxford University Press, 2020)

    With Jay Cordes, The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science (Oxford University Press, 2019). 翻译成简体中文在中国大陆销售.

    The AI Delusion (Oxford University Press, 2018). 翻译成中文在台湾销售, 在中国大陆出售的简体中文, Korean and Vietnamese.

    《赚钱机器:价值投资惊人的简单力量 (Amacom图书,美国管理协会,2017)

    What the Luck? 机遇在我们日常生活中的惊人作用 (纽约:Overlook,伦敦:达克沃斯. 2016). Translated into Chinese.


    标准偏差:有缺陷的假设,扭曲的数据,以及其他欺骗统计数据的方式 (The Overlook Press, 2014)

    With Margaret H. 史密斯,《家庭经济学》(金融时报/普伦蒂斯霍尔出版社,2008)

    韦斯利·梁的《皇冠体育app》 Real Estate Finance, 36(4), 2020, 239-247.

    “警惕黑箱交易算法” Journal of Investing, 28 (5), 2019, 7-15.

    主成分回归的主问题,” with Heidi Margaret Artigue, Cogent Mathematics & Statistics, 6 (1), 2019.

    名字游戏:在股票代码中足智多谋、诡计和回忆的重要性.” with Naomi Baer and Erica Barry, 经济与金融季度评论, 2019.

    “Hurricane Names: A Bunch of Hot Air?,” Weather and Climate Extremes, 12, 2016, 80-84.

    “伟大的公司:在所有错误的地方寻找成功的秘密”,与加布里埃尔·鲍姆, Journal of Investing, 24 (3), 2015, 61-72..

    Like Mother, Like Daughter?移民母亲及其女儿的经济比较,” with Margaret Hwang Smith, International Migration, 51, 2013, 181-190.

    扑克玩家在大赢大输后的行为迈克尔·莱弗里和罗伯特·库兹曼, Management Science, 55 (9), 2009, 1547-1555.

    其他股票闻起来还会这么香吗?,” with Alex Head and Julia Wilson, 经济与金融季度评论, 49 (2), 2009, 551-561.

    The Real Dogs of the Dow,” with Anita Aurora and Lauren Capp, The Journal of Wealth Management, 10 (4), 2008, 64-72.

    泡沫,泡沫,房地产泡沫在哪里?,” with Margaret Hwang Smith, 是在布鲁金斯经济活动小组上提出的, March 30-31, 2006; subsequently published in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2006: 1, 1-50.

    一家伟大的公司可能是一笔伟大的投资,” with Jeff Anderson, Financial Analysts Journal, 62 (4), 2006, 86-93.

    缩水的盈利预测是更好的预测,” with Margaret H. Smith and Manfred Keil, Applied Financial Economics, 14, 2004, 937-943.

    Bowlers’ Hot Hands,” with Reid Dorsey-Palmateer, The American Statistician, 58, 2004, 38-45.

    Scared to Death?,” British Medical Journal, 325, 2002, 1442-1443.

    回归均值和足球赌客,” with Marcus Lee, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15, 2002, 329–342.

    The Nifty-Fifty Re-Revisited,” with Jeff Fesenmaier, Journal of Investing, 11, 2002, 86–90.


    Featured Work

  • Education


    Yale University

    Master of Philosophy
    Yale University

    Bachelor of Science
    Harvey Mudd College

    Professional Experience


    Associate Professor, University of Houston, and Visiting Associate Professor, Rice University, 1978-1981


    Recent Courses Taught

    • Economic Modeling
    • Economic Statistics
    • Security Valuation & Portfolio Theory
    • Senior Seminar in Economics
  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors






    Mellon Foundation, Grant, 1996
